
Ohana Laboratories

Improve Patient Health and Safety with Our Advanced Toxicology Testing

Toxicology to most clinicians and hospitals usually means a urine drug test with a limited set of compounds tested. Ohana’s Toxicological services gives the health care professionals an expanded menu of drug / drug metabolites that can be detected and quantitated.

Complete and accurate drug test reporting is a key factor in making sure that the clinicians have the correct information from a drug test which can be critical in the overall treatment of that patient’s medical issues.

Usage of Ohana’s Toxicological services can help the clinicians and hospitals by:

  • Providing accurate and precise identification and quantitation of an expanded menu of drugs/drug metabolites in Urine. Our website will update all clients to new and expanded drug test identification when developed.
  • Real time access to the Toxicologist for questions about any of the Toxicological testing and results.
  • Combined reporting of Drug Tests, and TDM results.
  • Coming in the future will be STAT and ASAP requested testing services.​